Call for nominations for 2020 Ho-Am Prize

Dear  AKCSE Members,


Greetings and best wishes from the Ho-Am Foundation in Seoul.


As Chairman of the Ho-Am Foundation, I would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to participate in our search for suitable candidates for the 2020 Ho-Am Prize, one of the most prestigious prize bestowed on the people of Korean heritage every year.


The Ho-Am Prize was established in 1990 with the aim of carrying on the noble spirit of public service upheld by the founder of Samsung, the late Chairman "Ho-Am" Byung-chull Lee. Since its establishment, the Prize has been presented to distinguished individuals in sciences and technology as well as in the arts and humanities. The prize is awarded to acknowledge their contributions and to inspire the rest of us.


The Ho-Am Prize will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year. And the Ho-Am Foundation is currently receiving 2020 Ho-Am Prize candidate nominations. It would be immensely appreciated if you could take part in this activity by recommending someone within your esteemed organization or within your range of knowledge. Attached is an official nomination form with information concerning the principles for nomination.


The Ho-Am Foundation will do its best to sustain the authority and dignity of the Prize by continuing to find and select the most worthy laureates.

I look forward to your kind support and encouragement.


Sincerely yours,


Hwang Sik Kim


The Ho-Am Prize Committee

The Ho-Am Foundation

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No. Title Name Date Inquiry
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