Scholarship and Award

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한국과학기술단체총연합회 회장상

This award is to recognize and honor AKCSE members who have made outstanding contributions to advance in science and engineering or applications of technology for the general welfare of society:

KOFST Scientist of the Year Award

  • AKCSE full member who has made outstanding academic or technical contributions in the area of science in the year of every year, or
  • AKCSE full member who has made outstanding performance in the area of entrepreneurship with science and its application in the year of every year

KOFST Engineer of the Year Award

  • AKCSE full member who has made outstanding academic or technical contributions in the area of engineering in the year of every year, or
  • AKCSE full member who has made outstanding performance in the area of entrepreneurship with engineering and its application in the year of every year

과총회장상은 포상위원회에서 최종 후보자를 한국과총에 추천하며, 최종 결정은 함께 제출되는 공적조서를 바탕으로 과총에서 결정함.