AKCSE National Math Competition 2019 Announcement

  • Nameadmin
  • Date2019-04-24 01:39:44
  • Inquiry1076

AKCSE National Math Competition 2019 Announcement

The Association of Korean-Canadian Scientists and Engineers ( is pleased to announce that the National Math Competition (NMSC) 2019 will be held on May 11, 2019. The goal of the NMSC is to promote their interest in mathematics and careers in the fields of science and engineering.

Students, parents and guardians who are interested in the NMSC2019 should contact chapter representatives for registration in respective chapter areas. 

Canadian school math teachers are invited to make questions.

1. Important items 

Date & Time

Date: May 11, 2019, Time: As determined by each participating chapter   
Math Competition (Calculators are NOT allowed)
60 Minutes for Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8; 90 Minutes for Grades 9, 10, and 11 

All students must be checked in 30 minutes before the competition.


April 22, 2019 – May 8, 2019 (for the most chapters)


Students from 4th grade to 11th grade in schools in Canada


As determined by each participating chapter

Parents Program

As determined by each participating chapter


Math National Winners:  1st, 2nd, 3rd Place
The result will be noticed to students by June 7, 2019 by each chapter.

Award ceremony date will be noticed to winners by each chapter.

2. Chapter representatives for contact

Dr. Youngki Chang


Mr. Jongsul Seo

Mainland British Columbia (Vancouver) 

Dr. Moonhyuk Kwun

Southern Alberta (Calgary)

Dr. Hyunjoong Chung

Central Alberta (Edmonton)

Dr. Jeongsoo Park


Ms. Hyelim Kim

Quebec (Montreal)

Mr. Yoon Soon Chang


Dr. Wonjae Chang


Dr. Hyock Ju Kwon

Greater Toronto and Lake Ontario (Toronto)

Mr. Ilgeun Bae

Southwestern Ontario (Windsor)

Mr. Seahyouk Song

Vancouver Island and Coast (Victoria)

4. NMSC 2018 committee

Dr. Chun Il Kim


Ms. Jeong Ae An




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