International Call for Projects Québec-Korea


PRIMA Québec and the National Research Foundation of Korea signed a letter of intent February 10, 2021. Both organization aim at forging new and strengthening existing research collaboration between Korea and Québec through the involvement of academic and industrial partners for both sides.


Support and implement international research and innovation initiatives between universities, colleges, institutions and industries. Specifically, this program aims at both forging new and strengthening existing research collaboration between Korea and the Province of Québec through the involvement of academic and industrial partners, from both sides.


Targeted results

  • Increased research collaboration between universities and industry, along with greater international, inter-sectoral and inter-agency collaboration;
  • Greater visibility for Quebec researchers and their institutions at the national and international levels;
  • Greater development for researchers seeking to improve their competitive positioning in Quebec’s future markets through R&D projects.
  • The 2021 PRIMA QUEBEC-NRF Joint Research Program Proposal will fund up to 3 projects.


  • All research projects with technological maturity levels (TRL 1-9) are eligible.
  • The funding recipients shall be universities, research institutions and industries (particularly small and medium-sized enterprises) based in Korea and the Province of Quebec. Eligible for funding are consortia composed of at least four partners (2+2), two partners from the Korean side and two from the Quebec side. For each side, these consortia should include at least one university or research institution AND at least one enterprise; but the coordinator for each consortia should be from university or research institution.
  • The projects must demonstrate a balanced participation of the Quebec and foreign parties throughout their development; a financial contribution in cash totalling at least 20% of the eligible expenses in Quebec is required from the Quebec tenant community and a contribution in cash or in kind totalling at least 30% of the overall expenses of the Quebec – Korea consortium project is required for the ‘all of the project’s foreign partners.
  • The financial assistance from MEI will take the form of a non-repayable and non-recurring contribution of up to 50% of the eligible expenses of the Quebec part, up to $112,000/year per project (FIR included) over two years. Other contributions must be demonstrated (official signed letters specifying the amounts granted for the realization of the project).
  • The maximum duration of the project will be two years.

RELEVANT DOCUMENTS (Please find the attached file)


  • Opening of the call for proposals:  April 14, 2021
  • Letter of Intent Deadline: May 17, 2021
  • Deadline for submitting proposals: May 31, 2021 (noon, Montréal Time for Canada / 18:00, Seoul Time for Korea)
  • Eligibility check: June 2, 2021
  • Project Evaluation Period: June and July, 2021
  • Exchange of evaluation results: mid-August, 2021
  • Final Decision: end of August, 2021
  • Project start : October 1, 2021


For eligibility criteria or to discuss your innovation project, contact:

Michel Lefèvre
Director – Programs & International Collaborations
514 284-0211 ext. 227 

Total202 [ page7/14 ]
No. Title Name Date Inquiry
112 [KEIT] 2022년도 소재부품기술개발사업 신규지원 대상 연구개발과제 공고 첨부파일 2022.02.23 admin 2022.02.23 496
111 AKCSE e-Newsletter 2월호(7호) 첨부파일 2022.02.15 admin 2022.02.15 127
110 Announcement of 2022 Young Professional Forum (YPF 2022) 첨부파일 2022.02.15 admin 2022.02.15 152
109 Announcement of 2022 Young Generation Forum (YGF 2022) 첨부파일 2022.02.15 admin 2022.02.15 275
108 해양수산과학기술진흥원 '해양수산과학기술 재외 한국인 전문가 모집' 첨부파일 2022.02.15 admin 2022.02.15 252
107 2022년 제7회 한화 신진교수상 공고_모집완료일 연기 3월 18일 첨부파일 2022.02.09 admin 2022.02.09 92
106 [KEIT] 22년도 산업기술알키미스트프로젝트 신규 공고 온라인 설명회 개최 첨부파일 2022.01.28 admin 2022.01.28 74
105 [KEIT] 2022년도 지식서비스산업기술개발사업 신규지원 대상 연구개발과제 공고 첨부파일 2022.01.26 admin 2022.01.26 112
104 [KEIT] 2022년도 제1차 기계로봇장비 분야 산업기술개발사업 신규지원 대상과제 공고 첨부파일 2022.01.25 admin 2022.01.25 76
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102 *특별* 1월 1일 소식지 / *SPECIAL* January 1st News Bulletin 첨부파일 2022.01.12 admin 2022.01.12 48
101 AKCSE e-Newsletter 12월호(6호) 첨부파일 2021.12.16 admin 2021.12.16 108
100 [KWSE] 한-캐나다 여성과학자 웨비나 12월 16일 (20:00 EST) 참석정보 안내 첨부파일 2021.12.14 admin 2021.12.14 82
99 *특별* 12월 1일 소식지 / *SPECIAL* December 1st News Bulletin 첨부파일 2021.12.03 admin 2021.12.03 149
98 한국화학연구원-캐나다국립연구회 기술교류회 (New Energy: Biomass and CO2 Utilization, 9th December 2021) 첨부파일 2021.11.30 admin 2021.11.30 712
처음이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 마지막