제6회 한화 신진교수상 모집공고

  • Nameadmin
  • Date2021-03-10 01:42:10
  • Inquiry189

The 6th Hanwha Non-tenured Faculty Award (2021)

The Hanwha Group1 is pleased to announce the 6th Hanwha Non-tenured Faculty Award. To demonstrate Hanwha’s commitments to promote cutting-edge research and innovation in Materials Chemistry & Processing, this award will support the career development of non-tenured young faculty particularly in the following areas.


  • Polymer Composite Materials, Nano-composites (Aerospace, Hydrogen Fueled vehicle, Defense applications)

  • Functional Materials for 5G & Electronics

  • Material Design & Properties Prediction

  • Chemical engineering process (Reaction engineering, modeling, simulation, etc.)

  • Catalysts (Synthesis, kinetics, deactivation, etc.),

  • Advanced Polymerization Technology (Various kinds of polymerization method)

  • Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) Technology (CO2 reduction Technology)

  • Biopolymers and biodegradable polymers, Biomolecular Simulation/Engineering, Bio-Process Modeling,

  • Plastic Recycling Technology

  • Electrochemistry




  • Eligibility: Non-tenured faculty with Korean heritage in North America, Europe working in the chemistry, chemical engineering, Materials science and engineering and other related disciplines.2,3

  • No. of Awards: 3~4 Awards

  • Award amount: $12,000 as an unrestricted gift funding

  • The awardee required to deliver a seminar at "Hanwha Non-tenured faculty Award Ceremony" in the summer of 2021 via online


    Application Package

    • Short Bio-sketch including a comprehensive list of publications

    • Summary of research interest (max 1 page)

    • Descriptions of research interest (max 5 pages)

    • Application package must be submitted as a single word document file.



    • Submit your package to by March 31, 2021

    • Announce the Awardees by April, 2021

    • The 6th Hanwha Non-tenured Faculty Award (tentatively scheduled on June 8, 2021)



1 Hanwha Solution/Advanced Materials Division, Hanwha Solution/Chemical Division, Hanwha TOTAL Petrochemical Corp.

2 The non-tenured faculty in his/her 3rd – 5th years as a faculty are particularly encouraged to submit the application package for the consideration.

3 We encourage you to submit the application package again, even if the non-tenured faculty had applied before.

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No. Title Name Date Inquiry
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66 *특별* 3월 소식지와 성명서/ *SPECIAL* March News Bulletin and Statement 첨부파일 2021.03.02 admin 2021.03.02 141
65 국가과학기술연구회 출연(연) 맞춤형 인력양성사업(박사후연구원 연수) 첨부파일 2021.02.26 admin 2021.02.26 382
64 AKCSE e-Newsletter 창간호 첨부파일 2021.02.15 admin 2021.02.15 145
63 2021 한-캐나다 여성과학자 융합 웨비나 개최 안내 첨부파일 2021.02.11 admin 2021.02.11 193
62 2021 Canada-Korea collaborative industrial R&D program - Call for proposals 2021.02.11 admin 2021.02.11 202
61 2021년도 해외우수과학자유치사업 (Brain Pool / Brain Pool+) 안내 2021.02.05 admin 2021.02.05 327
60 *특별* 2월 소식지/*SPECIAL* February 1st NB 첨부파일 2021.02.02 admin 2021.02.02 252
59 2021년도 제1차 산업기술개발사업 신규지원 대상과제 통합 공고 (기계장비, 로봇, 바이오, 조선해양, 지식서비스) 첨부파일 2021.01.26 admin 2021.01.26 234
58 CKC2021 날짜 변경 공지 2021.01.21 admin 2021.01.21 276
57 2021-2022 캐나다과학기술자협회 회장 인사말 게시 2021.01.21 admin 2021.01.21 184
56 글로벌 핵심인재 양성 사업 제안서 모집 첨부파일 2021.01.15 admin 2021.01.15 324
55 2021년 과학난제도전융합연구개발사업 신규과제 수요조사 공시 첨부파일 2021.01.14 admin 2021.01.14 123
54 2021년도 우수기업연구소육성사업(ATC+) 신규지원 안내 첨부파일 2021.01.09 admin 2021.01.09 181
53 KOSEN '슬기로운 포닥생활' 발간 첨부파일 2020.12.18 admin 2020.12.18 200
처음이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 마지막