Call for Abstracts - Young Generation Programs

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CKC 2023 Young Generation Programs CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

Who can attend?

ALL AKCSE YGP Members are invited to attend CKC. However, there are limited spots available!

Presenters/facilitators for eligible YGP sessions or those who attend as a representative for their respective YG/YP chapters will receive travel support from AKCSE.

This year, AKCSE is also supporting YGP members who wish to present in the general CKC Technical Session (please apply through the CKC [general] Call for Abstracts) or one of the WiSE Sessions.


Leadership Workshop

  • Workshop; mandatory for attending YG/YP Chapter Representatives
  • Objective(s): To provide an opportunity for reflection on Chapter Presidents' leadership skills within the scope of AKCSE; to discuss outcomes and takeaways of regional collaborative efforts (re: YGPN Regional Chapter Meetups).
  • Discussion points :
    • AKCSE YGP Code of Conduct
    • Inter-chapter collaboration
    • Leadership transition management: Planning for the next year
    • Sources of funds / available resources
    • Positive and effective leadership
    • Conflict management

Project Showcase

  • Presentation (Competitive; 6-7 presenters)
  • Objective(s) : To foster professional collaboration between academia and industry YGP members and provide a platform for technical discussions catered to early-career professionals in various STEM disciplines.
  • Discussion :
    • The Project Showcase aims to provide a glimpse of YGP members' professional careers. If selected, you will be invited for a 10-minute presentation followed by a 5-minute Q&A session on your current professional project(s) - for YG members, this may be your capstone/research project. Your presentation should include a brief overview of your profession, career development, and how your current professional activities contribute to the development of your field.
    • Building on the successes from last year, we will also be inviting YG members to apply and present.
  • To apply : submit a 500-word summary describing your current project, your role, and technical expertise, in addition to your contributions to advancing your occupational field using this template.

Skillshare Workshop

  • Workshop (3-4 presenters)
  • Objective(s) : To transfer knowledge on the development of soft skills as a YGP member; to support networking among YGP participants, regardless of the nature of one's occupation.
  • Description:
    • The Skillshare Workshop aims to provide YGP members insight into valuable soft skills that typically cannot be learned without exposure and personal experience. If selected as a workshop leader, you will be invited to share a 10-15 minute presentation about your experience in the industry/academia and a valuable soft skill you have developed through your career thus far. You will be asked to share your journey to obtaining the particular skill, any challenges you faced in developing the skills, as well as your proudest achievement. You are also welcome to share tips on how others can continue their interpersonal, academic, or professional growth with this skills. The workshop should end with a short activity (15-20 minutes; e.g., worksheets/surveys/games) that engages the audience and encourages them to reflect and apply the skill in their own context.
    • Presentable skills may include: leadership, time management, creativity, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, conflict management, adaptability, critical thinking, stress management, organizational skills, etc.
  • To apply : submit a 500-word summary of your background, topic of presentation, and a short description of the skill-sharing activity you would like to present using this template.
  • Abstract Deadline Applications for the CKC2023 YGP Program are now closed

Selected AKCSE members (YG or YP) will be provided with accommodation and meal support (during the conference) as well as zone-based partial travel support and a reduced registration fee ($50) to CKC. Accommodation and zone-based travel supports will be applied to non-local participants only.

Submit Application


General Inquiry for Abstract Submission