Home > Program > Monday > KERI R&D


Invitation Only

  • Time & Place 15:00-16:30 pm, June 17 (Monday), KC 204
  • Sponsor Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI)
  • Organizer KERI and AKCSE (Association of Korean-Canadian Scientists and Engineers)
  • Contact Dr. Jeongwon Park, University of Ottawa (
  • Description The KERI-AKCSE R&D session at CKC 2019 Conference is a series of four-day conferences that usually feature a distinguished lecturer delivering 4 to 5 lectures on a topic of important current research in one sharply focused area of the Electrotechnology, Electrical Engineering, and Science. KERI refers to the Conference Board of the CKC 2019, which publicizes the conferences and disseminates the resulting conference materials.
  • Program
    Time Place Topic Speaker Number
    15:00-15:10 KC 204 Introduction Jeongwon Park
    15:10-15:30 RFP 01 : FPGA based advanced hearing aid using deep learning Seok-Bum Ko 1
    15:30-15:50 RFP 02 : Development of pressure sensors and design of a inductor module Woo Soo Kim 2
    15:50-16:10 RFP 03 : Development and experimental characterization of flexible 3D printed capacitive sensor and inductor module Simon Park 3
    16:10-16:30 RFP 04 : Development of pressure sensors and design of a inductor module Jeongwon Park 4